
It is with love and gratitude that Dr. Kassell wishes to commemorate the well-lived lives of these beloved patients.


Found through a newspaper ad in the spring of 2005, Dosewallips “Dosie” came into our lives when our family was least prepared for an 11-week-old Lab puppy, but most in need of one. Dosie grew up alongside Zoe and Finn, serving as a jungle gym, protector against nightmares, and constant playmate. He accompanied Dr. Kassell on countless runs in the Wissahickon, where people assumed he was a large, energetic puppy right up until his chin turned gray. Dosie’s running did not end outside, and his slightly out-of-control laps around the furniture on the first floor of our house are felt to this day in the structural integrity (or lack thereof) of our kitchen table. In his last few months in the summer of 2019, Dosie had the important task of teaching our new puppy, Callie, how to be a dog, which he excelled at. He was truly the best boy and is so missed.  

—Dr. Kassell, Zoe & Finn


At 9 years old, her death came too early. But it was time. Elsie developed a terminal condition we tried to manage for many months. Then, came an antibiotic-resistant infection. Despite the loving and caring efforts of her home team—special thanks to vets Natasha Kassell and Andrea Niggemeier—and the extra support of the oncology and ER staff at Metropolitan, it was all too much for her little body. Oh, how our lives were enriched by Elsie's presence and spirit while she was with us. From the first tail thump of the morning to her last snuggle of the night, that sweet licking cuddler lived up to her name. Not one to be alone for long, she found her people wherever they were in the house, curled up and snuggled in. Rainy days were more fun playing "find it" over and over and over. Nothing was sweeter than Elsie’s particular sound for "cover me with my blanket." Little was funnier than watching her figure out whether to bark or wiggle at the person at the door, since she managed both simultaneously. And nothing would melt your heart more than being greeted by her on homecoming or watching her sleep or fit herself into an unlikely spot. But our special little pibble’s real gift was the relationships with both dogs and people that she brought into our lives. In ways we could never have imagined when we adopted her from ACCT in 2014, she deepened and expanded our circle as she created hers.

—Lisa and Patrick

Mingus Poodle

A native of Knoxville, Tennessee, Mingus came to us on a pet rescue transport with a belly full of worms and a heart full of trust. During his 11 years with us, he dished up Grey’s Anatomy-level drama with a series of ear infections, upset stomachs, torn toenails, goopy eyes, playgroup wounds, fleas, cancerous growths, a shattered tooth, and random parasites. Despite looking incredibly tragic during exams, he was so calm while being treated that he routinely earned Dr. Kassell’s praise for being a Most Excellent Patient.

In between these exploits he loved to shred squeak toys, snuggle up during movies, dish out smooches, and howl at ambulances. His good looks earned compliments shouted from passing cars, but he happily ruined every fresh haircut by rolling on dead critters or jumping into mud. He guarded the house like a boss, barreled around like a bull, carried his orange ball everywhere, dragged us to the pet store to “shop,” and maintained a lifelong suspicion of snowmen. Wise in the ways of love, he chose his friends wisely and was a loyal champ right up to his final moments. Mingus was crazy about Dr. Kassell and lost all composure whenever she came over. We are so grateful to her for being by his side throughout his whole mop-topped ride.

—Daria & Tommy